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4300 Finch Rd
Modesto, CA 95357

Pampelonne is inspired by the most sophisticated yet carefree beach in St. Tropez with the same name, and the unique sparkling rosé that people imbibe there. We wanted to share this rule-breaking rosé with our friends in America. Our goal: create a sparkling wine cocktail with fine French wine that was light, crisp, and not so sweet, so you could have a few without feeling heavy. It had to be portable, so you could drink it wherever you wanted, straight out of the can. We avoided cloying flavors and harkened back to old-world cocktails while adding a modern twist. After hundreds of batches, driving too many mixologists crazy, and some glorious failures, we created our first beauty - the Rosé Lime. Followed by other stunners that you can discover here. We like to think of Pampelonne as the best drink you never knew you wanted.

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